As of 29th April, BallaratOSM have moved to Novar at 109 Webster Street. All Orthopaedic consultations and Sports Medicine consultations will take place at the new address.
Novar is now the home of BallaratOSM, the largest group of Orthopaedic Surgeons in regional Victoria, partnered with a highly experienced and qualified Sports medicine team of physicians. This historic mansion has been modified internally to suit our purpose, there is an extensive car park at the rear of the building, with a new main entrance from the rear. By next week, the walkway will be completed allowing easy access to Lake Imaging and St John of God Hospital.
The vision is to help patients achieve their goals, whether that is an operative or non-operative pathway, or to support them to achieve their goal of being the healthiest and fittest they possible can. At Novar we strive to enable patients achieve their respective goals, BallaratOSM will be joined by additional health providers at Novar.
The team will work together to offer not only direct health care but also, lifestyle scripts, support groups, access to training and education pre and post-surgical care, arthritis clinics, private fracture and injury clinics, all offered under the one roof and provided by leading specialists in their area of health care.